布小小 ~~"
  • Nov 17 Sat 2007 10:54
  • 任性

並非毫無頭緒, 只是深埋心坎, 腦海計算著時間, 身體仍處於充電狀態, 想說再多一點點晃蕩, 再給一些些喘息的空間, 可 ~ 沒啥耐性的布小小, 似乎下再重的催眠, 仍舊沒能在原地空等.

是的, 這道催眠指令即將被刪除. 既然, 血管內奔騰的緋色血球, 無法抑制那斑斑紅疹在表皮肌膚冒出頭, 那麼再多的緩和時空投注小小布, 仍舊枉然!! 另一道催眠指令緩緩吹動心湖, 圈圈漣漪泛起環繞身軀, 這不算聰慧的豆腐腦, 是該慢慢攪拌下一節點之前的開胃菜, 暖身啟動 Power ~ GO!!

其實, 生命與時間競賽, 個性中充斥著不妥協, 和自身的慾望一同逼迫小小布策劃未來, 執行於當下歷經的點滴. 恍惚的神思抓回手中, 該延展出下一段 "韌性" & "任性", 就這樣玩弄生命吧! 僅屬於小小布的私密, 沒能攤開說明, 意會多於猜測, 或是猜測多於意會? 無須透徹說明, 不是嗎?

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InDependent or DePendent? Concerned or UNconcerned? am soft-hearted, but InDiffernet and InDependent for a WHile.
It starts with the pursue of GOal. Too Focus on One POint withOUt caring others & ANYthings. SOmething can be held on in the period of TIme, but otherwise Most should be GOne, such as Family, HealTH, Friends, and ReLationships or MOre ...
UnFair or Fair? no One can judge IT. there should be a Balance. am trying to LOok what's it?! In FAct, still a subjective problem coz of the base on personal ViewPOint. thereFore, What can be said is to "BE HaPPy" as whaT expected, for EVeryOne & for YOUrself.

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Met one GUy at swimmig pool last Night. Interesting that we talk about business, coz of related products that we are doing. probably we can do some coop in the future, so Leave the contact info.
Serious to thinK of IT, needs to be changed. Find it NOt easy to breathe SmOothly these days. WHY?! the answer is simPLE. try SOmeThing to stop the HAbit. Have to & should put it at the FIrst.
JUst BOok la ~~"

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Busy but don't know what's been DOne in the end? TOo HAppy to forGet ALL. around me is Still Allergy. That seems to be DOwn to the HEll, so noT much power to swim in the POoL. regular LiveStyle can't help anyMore?
Have no idea WHO, WHat, HOw can do something for this DAMn symptom? very, very, and very tIred of many repeated things, and then Delete all of these at LAst!! think & think "SLeeP" is the most what I Need. GOod Night ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"

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SunShine, so so Long TIme no See. The HOt & Breathing makes me sLeepy, especially after Launch. The usual weather, Gray, Windy, Wet & COld in Taipei during WiNter days, really kills GOod MOod. so everyOne just CatCHes it during this week coz it's ganna change thIS weekEND.
JUst BOok la ~~"

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  • Nov 10 Sat 2007 13:46
  • 心門

星期四清早, 眼一張才想爬起身, 卻赫然發覺左半邊的肩膀 ~ 卡住!! 弄不清楚是肌肉拉傷亦或是筋脈扯到所致, 無法正面坐起, 只好側身向右轉動, 順著這力道離開床舖. 不舒服的感覺 ~ 疼痛, 心中即刻決定放自己 "休息".

今個ㄦ ~ 週末的星期六, 仍舊是陰雨綿綿. 天公搭起密密麻麻的灰色厚雲, 遮起那總是笑臉迎人的火熱太陽, 有些人因此心坎鬱卒煩悶, 有些則是毫無所動照舊過日子, 試問你的感受為何? 是否受著天氣影響而擺布了心緒?

小小布有時也會因為天空不作美, 搞的情緒烏煙瘴氣, 理不清楚到底哪ㄦ受了委屈, 心情起起伏伏地不受控制. 這陣子雖然連日冰冷黏濕, 可布小小一顆心完整的拿捏, 沒讓這外在的變化影響心扉, 敞開的活力依舊邁動奔騰, JUst HAppy!!

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  • Nov 10 Sat 2007 07:30
  • 崇拜

一日之計在於晨, 布小小卻不想計畫啥! 晨起一邊喝著咖啡, 一邊觀看 Channel V, 是長久以來的習慣. 不需思考, 耳邊飄送著音樂, MV 在眼裡膠著, 睡醒時散渙的精神也慢慢提振. 喜歡一早慢步調的讓腦袋運轉, 這樣的放鬆可說是種運動前必須的"暖身".

那天一早, "崇拜" ~ Fish 的新專輯, 同名歌曲 "崇拜" 影片裡是日本著名的教堂, 剛開始不是很懂 MV 所傳達的內容, 直到歌詞緩緩隨著 MV 播放, 清亮的歌聲觸動心頭一根弦, 喜歡詞的意境, 曲的旋律.

幸福不該在 "最終" 才看透弄懂,

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  • Nov 07 Wed 2007 21:37
  • 倔強

老媽說明晚是冬至, 可布小小卻沒啥冬天的感受, 今個ㄦ還穿戴小背心, 運動褲去上班ㄋ. 請問一下 "冷冰的寒冬, 是真的開始了嗎"? 布小小只有一種 "火火火" 的氣氛環繞, 真希望寒流來襲, 凍死旋繞血管壁裡的每一個細胞, 斑斑紅點別再狂吼滿佈身軀, 饒了布小小吧!!

連著幾個晚上都沒睡好, 頂著疲憊的身軀上班, 不好的精神引爆易怒的情緒, 奔騰的紅血球在血管壁冒泡嘶吼, 要控制真是不容易ㄚ. 可愛的伙伴, 布小小認錯, 不是真心要這樣對待大伙的, 請容忍布小小千千萬萬的不該, 不該每天一個小時內, 總有鬼吼聲撕扯各位的耳朵, 凌虐眾人纖細的心靈.

一整天, 忙著忙, 耳裡飄盪 Fish ~ Adore 的歌曲, 心其實是在哭泣的, 眼眶酸澀泛紅瀰漫著水氣, 就只一點點, 差這一絲絲 ~ 淚珠即便滑落. 每當身軀疲乏, 情緒就變得極端敏感, 委屈滿滿填塞心頭, 可 ~ 倔強的布小小, 哪可能當眾落淚!! 若發生了, 不如一刀捅插布小小那噗咚噗咚的心.

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  • Nov 06 Tue 2007 23:58
  • 存在

一日之計在於晨, 布小小卻不想計畫啥! 晨起一邊喝著咖啡, 一邊觀看 Channel V, 是長久以來的習慣. 不需思考, 耳邊飄送著音樂, MV 在眼裡膠著, 睡醒時散渙的精神也慢慢提振. 喜歡一早慢步調的讓腦袋運轉, 這樣的放鬆可說是種運動前必須的"暖身".

那天一早, "崇拜" ~ Fish 的新專輯, 同名歌曲 "崇拜" 影片裡是日本著名的教堂, 剛開始不是很懂 MV 所傳達的內容, 直到歌詞緩緩隨著 MV 播放, 清亮的歌聲觸動心頭一根弦, 喜歡詞的意境, 曲的旋律.

幸福不該在 "最終" 才看透弄懂,

布小小 ^^ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Touch the MInd - just coz of Smiles. No need to explain WHy. betWeen you and me, only simple words & interactions. reaCH you and understand WHat's forever. If you say ..., YEs, I dO. Haha ^^ waitING
Everything slows down ... JUst wanna say "peace" in the MInd. a repeated move under the Water, wiTH hands & legs, seems to be a FISH breathing freely. NOrmal to expir used air from lungs with bubbles sounds like an original melody.
It's raining from NOvermber starts, getting cool and wet, and WINter days really come to us. Allergy still stays with me no Matter Hot or Cold. Swimming keeps going on even though it's rainy and cold at NIght.

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