See! its easy to make money. WHY?
the author just wrote repeated shit wording on the whole textbook in differing ways, but made a great amount of pages; therefore, he got the book published and earning. what worst is the lecturer!!
WHY? again!
the shit lecturer wants to text whole textbook by assessing students' understanding. haha, he read powerpoint in class but expects others 2 memorise shit textbook!! GOD ~~"
indeed, for me, its not difficult but i just wonder whether it can help me practice in the real world??!! anyway, what i realised from the whole textbook is that how to make money in my own way and forget what it is on textbook coz all of that is shit shit shit!
See! ridiculously everyone hates what he/she's doing such as me rather than expectes what gets from doing this now. no one can feel satisfied until dead! that's human desire and nature. So, what elae? these lead to economic activities worldwide!! haha...just think too much but cant you say it's not live in the mundane?!!
Just BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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