GOd!! Why so difficult to hunt a job?! especially a good job!
In fact, I had some interviews & thought that it's soon to fly to China for work. However, the boss was so busy that had no time to arranged the details. Therefore, I think "need 2 change my way somewhat!!" It spent one day to do my resume site & you can have a look at BOok's Resume or online survey .
If, I say "if", some friends of you are looking 4 an employee, plz send my resume site to them and feel free to contact me. Or you know some good jobs, hey!! just feel free to call me la.
I don't like to wait, wait & wait!! BUt, at this moment I have no idea to do anything. You know that there's almost no contact number on 104 website. Though I've sent many emails to Coprs., what I can do is to wait & wait. Not easy for me coz I do hate this stuff!!
You know "what's wrong with my resume??" If you know somewhat, tell me plz! At last, thanks Jo for his GReat help!! GOd ~~" bless me.
JUst BOok la ~~"