What feeling it is, GOd! I've never met this kindof BOSS & got whole stressful. JUst wanna cry, BUt no tears in my eyes la ~~" Already think the worst will come to me, so probably will pack all the stuffs and move again?! I don't like it, whatever, need to care abt my health first, NOt only for MONEY...
What I have done these three weeks?? Tell you that Overloading & Overwhelming, JUst messed me up around this corp & relationships.
First, I got used to the new JOB.
What I have done these three weeks?? Tell you that Overloading & Overwhelming, JUst messed me up around this corp & relationships.
First, I got used to the new JOB.
Second, Boss called me going here and there for certain mission.
Third, one fresh man came in and took away what I've done coz of Boss.
Forth, lowing salary and changing the position coz I didn't reach the expectation of Boss.
Fifth, keep doing the new project after discussing with Boss.
GOd! It's not what lives I want. So busy that have overworked around 10 or 11pm these three weeks. And My habit is to get up at 6am. That means REALLY Overloading with my brains and whole the body.
GOd! It's not what lives I want. So busy that have overworked around 10 or 11pm these three weeks. And My habit is to get up at 6am. That means REALLY Overloading with my brains and whole the body.
Crying in my heart la ~~" Think me becoming stupid after studying overseas. Or it's not my year!!
WHY?? Very tough to look for this job, however, you can call it "Going into the HELL."
I don't want to be impolite or rude, BUt really want to shout out!! ~~" That's BULLSHIT.
JUst BOok la ~~"