Loving someone forever? Loving someone to die?? This was known as "Mission Impossible 4." Changeable rather than regular coupling is what you see, Especially the NextGen on relationships nowadays!!
Do you truly love the person you're going with? How can you make sure the person is your Mr./Miss right who you wanna go with permanently?
Or are you just kick the person out your lives, or dreaming somebody "better" comes along?
There're so many "Reasons" or "Excuses" to change the partner. What's your real desire to break it up?
Oftentimes it's easy to go into relationship simply coz you want & like it happens to you. But we all have motives for doing what we do. Think about it - what's really in your mind, gal?!
It's not the reason the person doesn't match you, neither the time or the space!! I guess, you do know what I'm talking about.
You just do not know what's in your deep heart!!
So, looking for $$ or the person?? Trying again and again, But make sure your mind before you go for it, ok!!
lili, I don't like you crying. Be happy ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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