A small wood box given by Lynne during LA lies near my pillow. "It is a Dream Box." Lynne told me as giving the gift to me. ^^ "Put a slip with my wish inside it and some day I will find it!!"
I was so tired at that night coz just finished Las Vegas show & back to LA. I remembered what she said after came back to Taiwan. Many dreams in my mind, But I can't make everything come true. My personality & behaviour is Doing and Thinking one by one & step by step. That is what I really recognize what I can do when I grow up day after day.
The friends familiar with me for a long time understand I do not like complicated things & relationships!! That's why I don't like to consider relationship & marriage. Why we can't have simple lives Coz of Desire!! But you know, it must be Too Difficult for me to fall in love with somebody. WHY?! That's coz it's always behind my mind.
As for the Dream BOx, what I expect to inside it?? Happy lives is the most important for me. Therefore I wish I can do what I want to do. Haha ~~" You still don't know what my hope is. ^^ You will know it Coz I'm trying hard for it. I think it's the first step for ready my next step. Make it no matter sooner or later. Then I can keep going for the next, next...
"Nothing in the world you don't need to pay & get it." DReam like relationship neeeeeds careful cultivation & development from day to day.
JUst BOok la ~~"