It's SUMMER!! Eating sea food at Peace Island, but I don't feel anything peaceful. ~~" Who can tell me why it called "PEACE"??? Anyway, my lovely coworkers were eager to Burn their Body, so went to Gold Beach after launch.
It's about 2 PM. Nobody said "NO", therefore "Sweaty" is what you can feel when walking along the damn hot sandy ground. The burning sand scatters over the Gold Beach along with blue sky & shining sun. Haha ^^ I love it, but how about you?!
20060805 Plustek @Peace Island
More pictures please see whatbook??
Went swimming this afternoon. Wow ^^ so happy that I can enjoy the SUMMER. It's one year passing that I haven't gone to swimming pool & beach. It's calm & peaceful when swimming under the water. I don't need to think anything but only feel & breathe water flows over my body. The feeling is so free, even though my eyes're closed, and I can feel shining light from the SUN flashes under the water. Everything leaves behind me. Forget it...
JUst BOok la ~~"
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    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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