Don't know it's real or not?! Wanna keep this feeling or let it be?! My heart is not under control ... Fry, that's what I prefer and expect myself to do. However lives is unanticipated and Desire as a bud has sprouted!! Stop, it's that I can say & think, but not mean I can really do it. Things go beyond my thinking & plan ~~"
Based on my experience, it's already on the way to be or not to be REAL - MY FEELING. Confused about myself is what I don't like. But, I do know it's true!! Whatever I think, I can't stop it but can do everything to deceive myself ...
Make me have no time to FEEL of Him. Probably I don't have any specific feeling when wakeup Next Day, I expect. Every word I told myself is "Wait, Stop, NO!!" These also make my feeling changeable ...
Don't like to be BleeDing ...
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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