The 2nd day in Boston is sunny but cool. GOd!! I still woke up early, so the daybreak is at about 6 am. During the VON show, my brand shut down about 1.30 pm coz of jetlag. My boss will fly here this afternoon, and I'm afraid that the same situation happen to me. So what?! I can't control my brand & body are out of order. ~~"
Drinking a black beer with Diego last night after show, and then went back to the hotel to write post report. See ~ it's easier to be drunk if drinking beer. However it's my potential ability to think clearly when a little drunk!! Haha ^^ that report was finished very quickly, But I wonder why I have to do this Shit Stuff. Coz I already feel so so so tired ...
Again, the feeling is stupid that comes to ME!! ~~" Wen, I actually don't know whether it's good or not, though I wanna regard it as usual stuff. But sometimes I would like to escape from the feeling. How can I do it?! Nothing and forget what I think now, right?! I'm trying and trying to be Idiot ...
The trip in Boston is going to be continued ....
JUst BOok la ~~"