GOt up very earlier, at 5 am .... After work, I took Shuttle Bus home. So tired that almost made me Sleep over my Stop ... ~~" think I have to sleep more and more therefore have a drink la ...
UP & Down!! not Great in my MInd, and that means I don't focus on that Point should be cared for. So ... so ... so Come up with an idea that LOok For SomeOne la ... Probably it's EASY for me get rid of that Feeling!! BUt, How?!
If really do it, that would be another Hole to Fall in ... Idiot behaviours ~~" Write here coz of Boring lives. Think my it coz of Love that Feeling. Speak Out coz it's not me starting. NoOne has 2 Fishes in the body plus Gemini heart, But I do have ...
Born on Mar 1st so that in constellation I have Pisces in SUn & Gemini in MOon. You know WHat you always see Me is Gemini Personality. However my Pisces shows when being with SomeOne ... come up in the Future la!! Haha ^^
Boring BOok says Silly thinking, and you Read it. ^^ BUt, what I said is Real, TRUst me la. You guys Miss my loudly Voice;  Give me more Reasons to GO Into the Office ~~" Tell you that Won't be In next morning coz I need SLEEP More ... Hope I'll get Energy tomorrow.
JUst BOok la ~~"
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    布小小 ^^

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