He's Cute. I don't know why I think him CUTE, but it's JUst kind of Emotions. The Feeling's changed with Time. At first I didn't have any command, and just Shouted out my disappointed stuffs. I don't know why GOd makes jokes on ME. Everything's different from those before. Whether or Not I care what it becomes later?! Probably I do, Or DON't ...
An old man said You will die no matter what you did or making effort for your lives. Narrow your Desire and it's easier to complete your live. Don't be the One has a hole left in the world ... Sad to know the limitation for one's short lifetime. I'm not so Brave however I prefer doing what I can do in the End. Therefore, these words CAn't stop ME!! Who knows the Ending?!
Met him around Spring, terrible season for me, and I don't like it Even though I was born on Mar 1st. Sometimes I would rather my memory's bad enough not to recall Anything!! BUt, Nothing's what I want and can get it ... Can I make the schedule for this Feeling?! NObody answers so that means I can make Decision!! ^^ GReat, I do want to Quit in the End of this Year, promise Myself.
If you do know Me, give Answer!!! WhAt, I ask too MuCh?! ^^ No ... Only WIsh there's no constraints Around Me. NoOne knows it.
JUst BOok la ~~"