Like bUt Quit!! Don't ask me WHY. If there's really one reason, that is TIred 2 Wait ... No MAtter he's gotta know it or not, it JUst Disappears from now on. ~~" The game is Not easy to play coz of No Patient 2 Wait. I've talked abt it many times, guess & feel SHould know it. At last, the answer is JUst Lives. ^^
I saw the FUture, not so fat for me, shows Unknown and Colorful on the road. I do know it's Only happened for a while coz I have no heart to go for IT ... therefore, QUit is not so difficult!! Doing in this way makes me feel good and have more hope for NExt ... ~~" even though I don't know where is NExt!! So what?!
Normally everyone likes others doing something for himself. However it's NOt Me. I don't say I DOn't like this kind of favor. I JUst hate complicated relationship and have expectation for Others, BUt then Fall in Dark Hole. Reasonable thinking,  I'm so so person like what you know, Nobody, so I would like to get rid of many troubles as possible as I can. "Sweep the snow in front of your door," kept in my Mind.
Haha ~~" the old proverb is Not suitable to use here. Well, probably I can say "NoShit Feeling without any Touch!!"
JUst BOok la ~~"
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    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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