One year more, is it free then?! I have no idea, BUt try it. ^^ I know it means Happiness as BOok as what you know. I don't want to make you disappointed for lives. I'd like to be a Funny guy that makes you laugh. More, enjoy the short time without worries!!
It's me that don't care much of regulations EVEN though I have to go in this way. ^^ Very happy tonight; it's JUst the feeling that I have now without any reason. I do like this emotions and go after it for all my life. Simple, Easy, And Nothing you neeeeeeeeed to think too much ...
You never Know it's not easy for me to get rid of THOSE ... BUt, see I'm doing ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"
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    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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