Don't know how Many times I've tried to do it, BUt I see I can MAke IT! coz You saw it before.
Don't ask me WHY I've the Super Belief or Confidence?! JUst Coz that's Me, BOok. ^^
This time I have to do it is due to my WIshes ~ different from wHat I had before. ~~"
In fact, the GoAd is to complete the oNe of my LIfe Step. I'm a normal Gal so that can't escape from the world Rule. Marriage ~ this is what's Never been in my mind except the 1st One. However, conflict at that time coz of my Dream & Confuse during the youthhood. ^^ Haha, not so young during the time coz it's already 28 yrs old. Anyway, I did QUit!!
Remember I did talk to myself "if No oNe before 35, I would rather be Alone to the END." Lazy to inVolve with troubles makes me having no thought of everything abt People!! I said Simple & Easy is how I want to get abt my LIves.
I didn't try my Best to get involve with the SHit?! oNly Onces, and it's not enough, is it?
the LOVe is goNe Away many years ago!! It's Time to do Something thoght there's also aNother I wAnt. ANYway ... Six yrs is finished!! JOb is always there, and try to Figure out the deeper MiNd ~ means that "MaKe IT. NO excuse!!"
my friends, Don't know whether or NOt you read my Blog. I LOve you coz thank for the Time you Give me before. See what's in my Mind if you did see my Bolg ... plz bless I can MaKe IT no MaTTer what I wAnt!!
JUst BOok la ~~"