Disgusting!! Don't know its so terrible taste when VOdka mixes with Coke, such as Poison. ~~"
Recent two days it becomes colder & colder. The VOdka bought last weekend makes me feel warm except the taste is SHit!! Haha ... Don't like to drink Coke, BUt I don't like pure vodka. It seems to Drink Alcohol.
This evening I went to 1F house for Dinner. ^^ Delicious food that MOm cooked ~ hot radish soup, salt pork and cauliflower ... all of these makes me feel MOm is wonderful. I can't image there's no MOm in the world. really LOve MOm than anyone else ...
When I lived alone in OZ or during the Uni time, what I miss most is MOm. She cooks every meal for Family, therefore we can have a hot & appetizing food. Haha ... Lazy gal as Me seldom cooks by myself no maTTer stay alone or have Boyfriend. In fact, they like cooking more than Me. Only what I do is to enjoy their Super Cooking. ^^
Hope I will meet Someone to cook for me in the future. ~~"
JUst BOok la ~~"