HOw the words heard from SHIt all, time to QUit!!
Totally exhausted ... for everything ~~"
I really wish Chinese New Year coming as soon as possible.
"Simple to Get, Easy to ForGet!!" so so so ... Keep in MInd & NOthing. JUst Friend 4ever, and it's not BAd. ^^ For the Reason, TIme says "NOt match the schedule." For the Behavior, Style is NOt MINe!! For the ExCuse, DOn't like treat me as SO!!
Many years later, it would seem to be Funny & as LIve Memory. I do know THat ... not the first TIme to Face the Truth. gAme is going DOWn and should restart it AGain!! BUt, NEVer more ...
Tell me WHY so Care?! DOn't like Me as SO ... well, TRy Best going & going ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"