What's the actual Truth? What's the real BOok?!
The Answer never shows in front of YOu. ~~" DOn't ask me WHy & WHat, no answer in the world coz me either ... DOn't get the POint in my MInd.
PUsh is always staying behind me; sometimes stop at that point to THInk ... Where I Am??
YOU know there's no Answer for everything & One. HOwever You consider what it is. That doesn't mean wHat It really Is, right? ^^
LOve to think WHat & WHy. and also WHO Am I at some moment? Then probably the sure thing becomes then if I wanna BE to ...
Hey ^^ I take on my footlace coz YOu make me Crazy ...
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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