CAn't stand any More coz it's my limitation in these BullShit work processes! WHy it's always full of disgusting words in the meeting?! No meaning words but takes time to listen and it's NOt making decision. HOwever, everyone thinks it as communications and to be the process to reach a mutual understanding. DOn't you consider what the Hell it's JUst BullShit?!
Totally feel exhausted but Ask myself not to Be in tears, especially at that moment!! HAte no decision, no meaning, BUt only waste time to Repeat words in the Meeting. In other words, they make me feel stressful & confused what to do then. Or it can be said "Quit" will be coming to Me earlier if they do it so often!!
Calm down and Promise me "Don't work this weekend!" That's why I went out all the day. ^^ Vivian and I drove on Bei Yi road to to Yi Lan, had dinner at Kee Long night market and drank Cafe at Shi Men Beach. tIME is no meaning for Me and everything is JUstSHit at all. If you like to play Game as BUllShit, I can do it for you as whAt you want "Sai la". ~~"
Tears in My MInd coz that string was breaking and I caN't afford more. Anyway, try to be careless for everything & anybody coz really feel tired ... Watering in my Face & spread all my Heart & BOdy ... You wanna keep going BUt I feel Like to STop!!
"Alright?! you Make Fault!!" ~~" that's WHat you like to say Out. HOwever, I wanna say "In fact, you are totally CRazy!!"
JUst BOok la ~~"