I didn't mean to ... ForGet all of YOu, trust ME please!!
Actually I don't know whEn it sTarts, probably as the time I sTudied in Brisbane, or JUst coz fall in LOve with JOb, or due to LAzy, or feel BUsy, or because tHink "FAmily" the 1st ...
I know, YOu wanna say "no ExCuse!!" ~~"
What can I say ANYthing then??!!
ADmit that I LOve mySelf moRe then others & CAre MYself 1st. So so sO ... PUt everyThing & EveryONe behind mE ...
am really SOrry, BUt think it's saME as what YOu have & DId to me, coz we are all SimPLE MAn ~~"
IF you Browse bloG, the rePort abt BOok's LIves is Simple ANd noTHing moRe than JOb, Family, SwIMMing. if ALLergy's disappeared, I can DO much MOre
DOn't blame me. ^^ am Always here with YOu ...
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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