CAn't beathe smOothly recently. Thought I can rest for a WHile after that Business trip, however, with the new duty What have been DOne is "Shout OUt" in the fast path!! Don't LIke it ...  and also, damnAllerGY everyNight, alMOst always ~~"
CAn I stop here for some Time?! sWimming makes me peaceful, withOUt thinkING & woRRies!! ^^
so sO SO tIred, to be NOthing alone, am LOoking some Days for short VOcations. NO business & no DUties, noThing has to be working out.
It's the LAst DaY, the END of August, whaT's in the MInd ... good to shUt DOwn my BRAin.
JUst BOok la ~~"
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    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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