THat girL said ...
DOn't think it keeps in the MInd, however, still Get FeeLing, especially in dePressed. ProBably, you doN't figure it out. ^^ ... someThing's rootEd in HeArt, but one MOre reason is that "LAzy to CHange". USed to be wiTH ...
ASked "be ToGether" many times afterwrds, but the answer is "soOry to do so...".
as Idiot as what had dONe before. Seems to ask THis YEar, to " be agAIn", no WOrds leaVe!! SomeTImes, oNLy thinking about WHy can'T put it AwaY?!
MAybe ... GIrL, the TRUth is "alReady FOrget IT" or "JUst deCEive HErself"???
JUst BOok la ~~"