REAlize theRe's a mark "X-O" on my BAck dure to SwimmING in SUNshine. will take a photo at another Day.
SUn, sUNshine & SUNshine, so beautiFul to BUrn SKin & brand with X. Actually, disLike XO, but accept VODka mixed with 7UP ... and like FanFan's PHiLosoPher Album, "FTQs", this sonG. ^^
Hehe ... X-O means whiTe & BLack; Faults & Truth; NO & YEs. dO KNow it's wrong, but still KEEP doING. whAt's that mean? the POint, it indicates that "X-O" symbol ~ GARy Area!! everyOne does THAt in LIVes, and more COlour paint ...
reCently it comes one and one TYphoons. Note that RAINbows reflect MiXuP of sunSHine & rainDRops. what gets INvolved in your life? HOw Painting loooKs like?? not ONly two or THree eleMEnts you catCH, it should be hundreds and THousands you meet and select to SPAEKLE the ROad. ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"