That Girl thought "LOve You, always keeps in MInd." To the Guy, it's NOting, caN'T remember When & Where starts!!
This BOy said "LOve You, but think himself first." To the Girl, Never say LOVE, can'T imagine WHat & How to go toGether!!
Many things from the different Heart so can't reach the POint together. The REAL is always put in the ONly MINd. If wanna prove, it comes with Time. HOw long can be go on?! What's the KEY to put IT in balance?!!
Can't say ANYthing for ALL of these. Coz I don't have enough EXperience. You cry with Tears!! My heart feels SAME. DOn't, DO NOT BE in DARK. still someThing you can find and feel about the World.
Wanna say "NewYear Comes, be HAPPY." beFOR, just FORget IT. ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"