Don't know "WHY" keep eating recently?! >From 6am to 6pm, every time you see, just eat, eat, eat with my MOuth ... Haha ^^ my body says "Hungry, looking for some food please." so, keep eating always ...
The weather becomes cold. GOod. it's Winter, should be cold, but I like to see SUNshine in the dayTime. In fact, my skin feels freezing, however Allergy bursts out and BOdy roots in Heat deeply, especilly running in BlOod.
Again!! almost this Year Ending! What's the plan for Xmas? Har ... still earlier to think abt IT? two weeks later it comes with Xmas, but NO idea in the MInd. Anyway, am thinKing abt WISHes for the coming Year. ^^ HaPPy, Heathly and PeaceFUL.
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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