Wanna Birthday CAke coz I haven't eaten this year, but my BIrth's GOne away!! That means NO wishes to pray for Family, Friends, MYself & THis year. ~~"
Congratulations!! So so LOvely Bride & Groom "Jason & Sylvia" ~ PanAsia Colleagues gonna marry this SunDay!!

The cable TV connection is cut due to no payment before the deadline. WHat can I say is "LUcky" without the habit of TV watCH. The reason is I LOve to read NOvels, and dislike watch Soapers & Gossipy News!! All of those in Taiwan fill with BUllShit. I didn't mean that YOu can't watch!! If you LOve, why NOT!! Many my friends do jobs as the Journalist, TV HOst, Newspaper Photographer, TV or Movies Producer and so on. I have done this kind of JOb, but quit play for a LOng long long time! If you ask me the Reason, hmmm ... I hate to create Sensations from NOthing. And then you would ask me, What's the real TruTH?!
It depends on the Belief that you trust in and the LIfe that you're belonging to!! That's All.
JUst BOok la ~~"
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    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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