April 21
is there evey thing simple? just white and black, yes or no, we don't need think too much to cause feeling bad.
Life is simple, every person come to world only one century, not too long, not too short.
Don't think too complicate, just for fun. IN just let us feel plenty. Out just let us feel simple. Hope my life just as
is there evey thing simple? just white and black, yes or no, we don't need think too much to cause feeling bad.
Life is simple, every person come to world only one century, not too long, not too short.
Don't think too complicate, just for fun. IN just let us feel plenty. Out just let us feel simple. Hope my life just as
Think so, but there remains Gray area between White and Black. That's why people come to the WOrld for Learning & Feeling! With time passing, everything's changing, however BIrth & DEad is all the same in the beginning & the End for each one.
SO So so, the ProCess is the MOst important thing that touch you and Push you to Catch the LiveStyle you want. No matter Truth or False, All depend on WHat you wanna reach before No feeling. Simple is Great Idea to live in the WOrld, so Look for the way which makes you feel HAPPY. My DEar teddyBear. Well, you don't look like Teddy Bear la. ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"