"JUst feel SO LAzy" for everyTHing?! Indifferent no Matter MySelf or someOne else. The Fire is Kept in my BOdy, for what it is BUrning, not burst out?
DON't know why it's going in the state! Red Spots spread out my SKin, sometimes on Legs, sometimes on my hands or breast ... I know "Need to Calm to face the SICk", but FIve years it comes ALways, no disappeared every minute, makes me SHItALL. Medicine?? See Chinese Doctor ... what effect it does? No idea la!
The Last day in JUly, sunny, not so Hot, BUt feel SO LAzy ...
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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