No wind, No Sun, But all the steps we met today! 2 RiceBalls for Hiking, coz of no Car to FuShan, we changed the way to Mt. LionHead. Eating one RiceBall for my breakfast, then 30 mins to climb the TOp, and it's Rainy again this afternoon.
Run BOok
The short hill path with all the steps made us "All Stweaty"!! JOy came with me, and she was talking along the steps. ^^ Haha she hates climbing the steps.  SOon after we went downhill and hanged aroung BiTan DrawBridge. Yu Zhen and Yu Fen went back to HOme, and JOy went Biking with me. ~~" My skin got SunBurned on the retun way from XinTian to DaDaoCheng.
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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