so Happy to celebrate Bday @plustek and that includes my colleagues - Cora, Daphne, Milton, Frank, Ibo, Jeff, Sean, Simon and Sonja ... some of them came lately coz of Meeting. Really feel GOod ^^
Ha-a, they think I'm old enough to be 53 years Old. When I came into the training room, everyThing's ready.
Now I rethink all of those, and they've already got the Plan to FOol me. That's why FRank said he wanna feed with Cake, and HOw stupid taht I replied "alrite". JUst in seconds Sean took pictures as FRank feed me. OMG ~ my nose's stuffed up all the cream!!
THree wishes that I got for this-year Bday come tRue please.

One MOre, go to HotSPRing with SOnja and Canny for peaceful and deep relax. So Funny that we drove back and forth on XinHai ROad many times to get Tickets, JUst coz we can'T find "Welcome" there. It's two hours later as arriving at WuLai, coming with dark NIte, so we had dinner before enjoying HOtSpring.
THis is a really Wonderful Bday with all my dear FRiends. Many thanks. ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"