布小小 ~~"
- Dec 12 Sun 2010 00:15
殘末細渣, 是必須用心咀嚼, 才能感受那一丁點的滋味!
- Oct 07 Thu 2010 00:48
整家子的開心, 因為ㄚ蹦回來嚕! 離開三個月, 整個覺得好漫長, 家裡的兄弟也都愛孩子, 可能是因為老媽當初除了生下我和三兄弟外 (上有二個哥哥, 下有一個弟弟), 還帶了姑姑的孩子二隻 (堂弟堂妹), 阿姨的孩子二隻 (表弟表妹) !!!
~~" 那是怎樣的一個龐大!! 年紀相差沒多少, 玩在一起, 打在一起. 此外, 還得再加上一起住的五叔叔家的四小孩, 和住附近四叔叔家的三小孩, 可想而知, 這種玩鬧真的是吵翻天!!
MOrNing的二歲生日Part 1: 天秤座的都愛假仙嗎? 唱歌前High到自己唱 "生日快樂", 正式來的時候, 給它咕溜地要躲到地板去, 好不合作呀!!
- Sep 24 Fri 2010 18:45
把這九月天的懶, 吹跑、送走!!
咻地一下, 彈奏起九月的尾音, 感覺有些許不真切,
沿著碧潭河沿岸, 步伐緩緩地爬著,
沒啥陽光的午後, 不甚蓬勃的翠綠雜草, 隨著清風歪這倒那,
而岸畔, 老人家卡拉OK吶喊的歌聲, 在耳邊陣陣呼呼地傳送,
清閒地漂完池畔, 悠哉地吹著涼風, 沒啥事地看著單車族, 三三兩兩盪過自行車道,
- Sep 19 Sun 2010 22:01
cest la vie. cest BOok.
THere's the limited space to store memories, anything passing by and going around; therefore those words construct some paragraphs to stuff my lives. I am not that kind of human beings who cries out the GOd or screams Kneeling on the ground, but sometimes I'm really sensitive and sentimental about the world, especially those close to me.
I heard that she tried many times to escape the pity and terrible marriage and made it, coz she paid a huge money at last. I don't understand what made them quarrelling all the time, money, long distance love or the third party ... and why they got the divorced result at the end. I just remember the first relationship between her and him was so sweet and warm, which really let everyone envy so much.
Recently I saw many old photos, and that makes me feel funny and a little bit sad, and also remind many things happened in the past... she is open mind and popular at campus. Their love is secret, only known around our small group; therefore she has many pursuing letters and flowers ... I guess that's one of the reasons making them argue and fight.
- Sep 15 Wed 2010 22:00
the BOok "Twilight"
Recently it's going cool, especially close mid-autumn festival. On my way home from swimming POol, I saw that beautiful waxing moon, lying on the space. I have to say that feeling is so GOod. Every time I rides bike on BiTan riverside after swimming, I feel freely and breathe deeply coz it's peaceful.
Today I took a rest coz of sickness, and yesterday it's Rita's Birthday. ^^ wow ... many people on the photo. aHaha ... Happy day.
I remind that ...
- Sep 14 Tue 2010 22:41
ㄧ次, 或者二次經驗ㄅ ~~"
深層ㄉ無奈, 可恨ㄉ感受!! 不是誰在罵小布, 是給它嚴重起來啦!!
經常發生ㄉ狀況是Allergy, 身上滿佈著紅疹, 可這回給它很糟糕!
大概一年會有這ㄇㄧ次, 或者二次經驗ㄅ ~~"
- Sep 12 Sun 2010 05:39
誰規定 "烤肉" 只能烤 "肉"?!
- Sep 04 Sat 2010 15:26
來ㄅ, 一ㄍ字 "ㄎㄠˋ"
過敏犯ㄉ嚴重, 情緒失控!
雖然腦子一直訴說, 別去圈圈叉叉這些ㄍ那些ㄍ, 但總是無可避免ㄉ腹非, 循環ㄌ一周又循環! 心想: 人生ㄚ, 何苦為難自己? 這不過是一早ㄉ想法, 就TMD ~~" 總有些人搞不清楚狀況?! 姑娘對你好, 不是讓你得寸進尺! 軟土深掘, 挖ㄌ又鑿! ㄎㄠˋ ... 話想清楚ㄌ再蹦出來說, 有身驅沒腦子ㄉ就旁邊直直站 ... 惦惦!!
小布積壓太久ㄌ, 這些人不把人當人看, 那就做鬼給他看! 搞ㄉ本姑娘不爽抓狂, 可是會把人當空氣ㄉ!