Have no idea why I JUst did it?!
In fact, I would like to stay & relax for a while BUt woke up doing these stuffs this morning coz of intuition.
Big Sunny day, felt great and didn't think abt RESIGN until now. Actually, I don't need to think coz of cleaning it out. I do know What's wrong with me, and what happened with this corp no matter the process & outcome are good or bad. The answer is I WAS and AM studyING.
Back home this week, I guess it great to have some time for calm and thinking!!
These days, it seemed that I knew what I've done however didn't see what I really did at that moment. LOST my mind and no heart & brain really beating with my body. TERRIBLE, right?!!
am NOT afraid of going anywhere BUt have to realise the direction in the next step. Think it messed up coz of Unthinking & Rush personality. Not use my mind to consider what's around me & treat myself worse!! Haha ^^ it's passed by with no feeling abt everything.
Probably, got it right now But will forget or lose my mind next time. Whatever, taking time to contemplate whole things I've met.
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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