really really HAPPY!!
You know why I'm happy coz I can take a breath for a while. Haha ^^
My skin allergy didn't relapse after Last Friday. Guess I did really work so hard this month. Got overloading & stressful with my body. BUt thanks for the experience that helps me realise what lives I want!!
My elder brother wants me to work in China, and many firms have called me for interviews since opening my resume on 104. Well, I do have no idea what will be and where to go. Need time to consider the key even though I need MONEY.
Actually, money is not everything!! Health & Happy is all things that I'm looking for and wanna keep with my lives. Family and Friendship are what I regard as the most important in the world.
My friend, JUst tell me no matter you feel good or bad. I'm Here for you all. ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"