The first is that I have to see a doctor again for my allergy!! And I found that I Can't wear Bra anymore or just recent days Coz that induces Red Spots on my skin. Anyway, I don't like it.
The second is NOthing or EveryThing!! It's stuffed up my heart no Matter how I ask myself "STOP IT". DamnIt...not my Good Days recently. If I can't control my mind, what can I do other things?? It's not Mine!! Idiot Book... ~~"
See!! just let it go... An existing Dream & Desire rooted in my heart is gonna move on & on!!
It's the last time to think about it Coz it's still here. JUst at this moment. Can you know what I'm talking? NO?! Haha it's in words...Who Makes I Feel???
If my memory is right, the picture above took at Moonlight Beach, one of the famous scenic spot along Great Ocean Road in Australia. Why it's regarded as a highlight Coz Over 700 ships are thought to have met a watery grave, taking hundreds of lives with them. The sea floor of Victoria's west coast is littered with the wrecks of hundreds of ships - victims of wild weather, human error and a rugged coastline.
If you like to know more info, please see Great Ocean Road official website.
JUst BOok la ~~"
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    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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