Sunny day at beach, BOok & Joan, hehe ... we're Hakka people. ^^ Why I post this photo here, coz of SmiLe.
DOn't know why we have so HAppy SmiLe FAces. probably it's due to SuMMer that we really CAtch at that MOment ... TiMe waits for No ONe!! YOu know what I mean??!!
It's NOt Start, noT endIng, only a piece of the proCess for LIVes.
CAn't get together for whole LIves. Will be some memory for reminding YOu that "EVer, we Catch each Other".
FRiends, always very important foR some period of TIme if YOu Care.
Family, the MOst of All in the word until dead no ONe can throw it away.
LOvers, can be Two/thREE/foUR or MOre if that's WHat you waNT. or ONLY One forEver ...
Hehe ... "Ever", still CAn't go far as what to be supposed to at BeGINing...
THought's goING too far. Hehe ... back AgAin, just wanna say "Be HAppy, CatCh the MOment that YOu Care".
BOok & JOan
JUst BOok la ~~"
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    布小小 ^^

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