Cold today means I'm Lazy for all the things. Bring the work paper home But did NOthing. ~~"
Away from the Office makes my brain work out. The idea, Rest One Day, came to me at Friday night when lying on the bed. It's not really take a Breath or HOliday or something else. JUst need time to complete some work.
CRazy FeeLing has gone away. When time goes by, the thought's changeable! It's NOt True for me. Reasonable FeeLing is based on what I WAnt & GIve ~ the REal thing is Parallel line between the two!! UNsuitable & doesn't match ME ... that starts at the WOrds I heard from them no MAtter True or ...
Cowardice!! yep, it can be said to ME coz I DOn't wanna be a LOSer ... Think deeply, JUst control my MInd & FUture. ^^ Hey!! FORget it ...
Ten months Later ... FRee!!
NO need to explore the ANswer from the MAn coz of QUit!! IF you see what I'm Talking now, Keep Secret for Me!! Many thanks. JUst a Memory for BOring Lives, you know.
UP & DOwn emotions fly away, ONly leaves me Calm due to The Truth ...
JUst BOok la ~~"