the Habit, GIve myself WIsh for the coming YEar ^^
ONly one Thing is to try best for LIves. GOD, bless my family to be Healthy & Happy.
I'm at home as usual to read NOvels & Shut DOwn my brain for NOthing!
A very cute Doll, hung on my desk, has red color body. I bought it at Watson shop. Probably you know what it is. It can be seen the words, WIn MUst, on its head strap. That's the Reason I like it so much. Remind me there's Nothing Impossible. ^^
LOok at the dark sky, not much stars can be seen, But nobody cares it's there! You really know it's Brning to Spark in the space. Who knows WHY?! When it's drop down from the sky, people may give wishes & Adore its beauty ~ the meaning of dead. LIves gone with flash, JUst in a second.
What it's really to be?! Chase down all the live is NOthing. Thing's gonna Change in every second. Never know the way to be WHat!!
BUt, the "HOW" is controlled by each. Right?! There's a "WHy muST" in the mind to Push ME go on. ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"