HaHa ~~" don't wanna make you embarrassed so asked the Qs as normal greetings. The MINd seems to be usual feeling as saying "Hello"!! But, what's the real?! DOn't know la ... "Sorry" is WHat I need to say. ^^ Be put in Pressure recently. Say it out coz of happy memory that belongs to us before. Never MInd, Baby!
Sing KTV last Friday. CRying out without tears on Face. Time to change LIVe style coz I can't be in Dark anymore. Near 34 yrs makes Me think the Regular LIves for Me & Family in the next step. Half year later, JUst be Wait for that time, and then everything should be Different!! That's what I Promise myself. CAn't expect the Future but know what's in My MINd. ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"