Three weeks later, it's Chinese New Year. That means I can have one week more holidays. ^^ Have to meet some Old Friends before it coz it's Long time that I didn't contact them. Promise that I will do IT ... Lora, Qmou, Wen that are my High schoolmates, and Ex-coworkers in Pan Asian ...
So bad tHat I really don't get the Idea wHat to do during the holiday?! well, accompany my family and sing Karaoke is absolutely that I will do, and what else more?! Read novels, watch movies, meet old friends and take a breath with my Baga Brian. Haha ^^
DOn't like to MISunderstand what you've treated me?! I'm really tired of everything & anybody ... Can it be easily to think of as NOthing?! Whatever, it's my rules for the relationship ~ Easy & Simple!! What you say is JUst BullSHit coz it won't be Kept in Minds ...
GOd, bless everyone and my family. That's what I wIsh most for the coming year. ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"