Never know what it is in the Next step!! Time passes by without ThinKing in my MInd ...
One hour to take 200 photos during the TRip coz of no time StOpping & ENjoy!! Seems to catch memories on purpose during all the trIP.
The photo is the HIghest Hill at Athens City. Very happy that Josefina travelled with me, and we took many pictures, especially with her good quality camera. ^^
The historical description copied from Athens website. ^^ If you want to know much, just click The Acropolis of Athens. ^^
The Acropolis hill, so called the "Sacred Rock" of Athens, is the most important site of the city. During Perikles' Golden Age, ancient Greek civilization was represented in an ideal way on the hill and some of the architectural masterpieces of the period were erected on its ground.
The first habitation remains on the Acropolis date from the Neolithic period. Over the centuries, the rocky hill was continuously used either as a cult place or as a residential area or both. The inscriptions on the numerous and precious offerings to the sanctuary of Athena (marble korai, bronze and clay statuettes and vases) indicate that the cult of the city's patron goddess was established as early as the Archaic period (650-480 B.C.).
The photo above took at Firenze. Only one hour more to visit the centra city, and that means Wake up at 4.30am, Get on the train at 6am, Take 3 hrs more to Firenze & Visit ... then Meet customer at 2pm ~~"
Sorry that I don't know what & where I have been there ... coz of my brain shut down la ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"