The plan shows on the calendar until May 12. MOst is blank in details that means NOthing to do in the following days, but 3 steps "QIut PLAy, RElax LIves & STart RUn" are sure put in my MInd. you Know WHat I mean here! Actually there's no CHoice for me to THink anything due to my brain's Already shut down. That situation "Silly BOok" has remained for a LOng Long long time, and no try to change everThing for myself, but stayed in the same Point on Purpose. So, it's time ~ Off, Out then ON!!
EXhausted recently after work, but there's nothing to make me feel so TIred. Probably it's due to regular living styles to SLeep during 6-7pm. Usually 8.30pm to POolside for JOGging, however my knees got HUrt last Tuesday, so only Swimming is what I can do until it's BEtter Recovery. Tonight's swimming is floating here to there, coz of NO energy, return again & again with CLosed Eyes. In Fact, Closed Eyes when Swimming is BOok's HAbit, and that makes me always Feel FRee. ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"