PROmise?! Can it be foreVer or JUst for the MOMent ... Based on Methmetics, the LIne can be divided into FOeRever!!
JUmp IN it ... LIVes & LIFe. HOw much I care about? TOtally NOthing ... coz IT's really a wrong way. My BODY says TIMe's oN. Go sleep and no thinkING. And I found AllerGY says "HI, hi ... am HERe"
ProBably, no Return and no Choice for ME. so, IT MUST be DOne! SHitBUll ... & BullSHit. BUt, WHat?
MAke Decision abt the END. come COMe cOme ... can't get rid of so SWImming everyDAY, ok!
LASt time, do really GIve IT up. BYe, I see ... everything's GOne coz JUmp & FReeeeeee
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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