No JOb, so BUY to spend energy without thought & create desire without soul ... RIght?!
Wow ... don't know HOw much ability to purchase so many things, e.g., shoes, clothes, pants, skirts and Bras ~~" JUst within One MOnth did it for NOthing to buy during five years more!!
Due to HABits, buying different color but same style clothes, and totaly cost $17,000. NOt much la, coz of the LISt as follows: shoesx3, skirtx6, clothesx3, pantsx5, slipperx2, waist bandx1 and swiimming suitx1. ENOUGH ...
SEems to be out OF CONtrol & work off BUllSHIt ~~" a HUge OUTlay for the emotional Desire & Impulse at the MOMent!! so so so ... NEXt tiMe will be FIve year LAter?!
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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