SeEMs to be beter about Allergy after COmputex ^^ bless me it keeps CALM always!!
Feel lazy after SUMmer Shower, a liitle bit cool & clear air around. NOthing in the MInd but still catch JOb running coz FOUR-days holiday. no plan during this holiday ...
WeNt to PingXi for drink Café with Vivian at Saturday afternoon, and went SHopping with my biggest brother's wife yesterday afternoon. WHat to do this Afternoon?! Of course SWimming la ^^ then will be at home to have a conference call with UK.
These TWO days ate Spice Duck Blood during MIDnight so slept late & woke late ~~"
Beautiful Days - what a wonderful world - open MInd & LOok out deeply in the EYes!
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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