TOy's goNe coz someONe asks to Take it Away ... NEver know how bad the feeling is in the MInd. I DON't know, either.
Funny THings make me HAppy, BUt can'T keep going ... ^^ Talk mOre than one hour, and Wen said "Let's go to PUb". Hehe ... that's what I asked, nOt she said.
RIght time to shOUt, "meSSing steps" ~~" so WHat?!
Hey ... everyONe stops me to go coz cares ME so MUch.
GOd!! LOves you all. I will FLY aWay as what you ExPect. ^^
Hey ... everyONe stops me to go coz cares ME so MUch.
GOd!! LOves you all. I will FLY aWay as what you ExPect. ^^
JUst BOok la ~~"