HairCut last MOrning after swiMMing ^^ that FeeLing is good, can say "FLYing".
ONe half years to have LOng hairs after getting a Student Hairstyle last Feb. seems to be FRee, and planning the NExt in the MInd. No tiMe to take a photo for you, wait for another Day, Ok! ^^
So GReat that everyThing is GOne away. really make me FeeL GOod.
GUess what to do NExt?! Hehe ... I'm thinking, take a LeaVe for a While.
Do need Space & Time to reCover enerGY, especially the thought, healTH & MInd.
GUess what to do NExt?! Hehe ... I'm thinking, take a LeaVe for a While.
Do need Space & Time to reCover enerGY, especially the thought, healTH & MInd.
Wow ... THree close friends, I do remember YOur BirTH. ^^ Wish all of U happy with SMiles. "HAppy BirthDay" to Wen. " HaPPy BirTHday" to Lora. "Happy BIRthday" to Lynne.
JUst BOok la ~~"