THree days that I didn't Go swimmING, because of TYphoon. Mother called me "it's flooded MUD". The swimming pOol is near th River. My SKin can't afford DIRTY environMENT. That's the reason why I have to cancel daily ACtivity!! GOT up so late, abt 12pm. That means I can NOT sleep at MId Night. so sO SO ... writing is WHat I'm doing ...
These PHotos, taking during MOon Holiday, edited this afterNOon, including Parents, 1st brother & his wife, nephew, 2nd brother, 3rd Brother & his GF, and BOok. REmember Dad said "if each had two kids, and then gets 8 kids". Hehe ^^ he's DRUNK at that night. but, I see that's WIshes for US. MarriAGE and have 2 cute CHildren.
"TRy it", my dear DADDY, if that's your HOPe. neXT JUne it will STArt, not NOw!!
My Lovely Family
JUst BOok la ~~"
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