During this TYphoon, so BAd that it's ReaLLy flooded with swimming POol no matter indoor or outdoor. Two WEEKs to clean the mess!! do NOt know what to do if no SWIM after work. GOd ~~" why treat me in THIS way ...
proBaBly, it wants me to rest for a while. BUt, I don't need it. THere's noTHing put in daily lives eXcept swimmING. HaBit ... however, it needs to get other plans for two WEEks. thinK to be A sleepy PIg, eating & sleeping, then run in this way, agAIn & agaIN ...
SURprise!! I haven't found my coWorker took PHotos!! DidN't tell anyOne abt your VIsit. when HE showed me at the meeting, FUNNY so sO SO ... thERE's no secret in the WOrld. POst your PHotos in BLog for a LOng time coz it's not the SECret. Have to say I'm the person that disLike keeping anything in MINDs.
NOt many PHotos you keep COZ all left with ME eXcept that enlarge ONE. rememBEr I wanna get it back, but you said "Leave the Memory with You". guess why you said that at the MOMent is "an EXcuse" for NOT to meet. ~~" tIme is going on & on ... NO need to reCALL & ask WHy or GUess whAt ... maybe someDay will return it all. Hehe ^^ FOR you & me, it's the PAST no maTTer what's IT. If NOT spoKen those words, it's sTiLL sames as what we ARE "beautiFUL LIves".
ForGEt when the Habit is going with ME, that I didN't mention any NAMe. seems it happened when writing and passing slips at Junior school times. so MANY pronouns "he, she, you, they and ...", how anyOne CAN differtiate from this & that!! ah ... on PUrpose DO it to confuse EveryONe, but NOt ME!! my BLog, my Diary, my FeeLing, my LIves & Experiences, not SO important to get WHat it Is. coz Time is RUNing ...
JUst BOok la ~~"