Heavy RainING sooner after swim Back Home. Lucky that I didn't get Wet. SUNny day gets GOod MOod, and I think you're the same as ME. BUt my holiday's gonna Fly aWay with RAin & BOss back. So far, everything's FINe. it seems some IDeas come out for my NExt step ~ Get back NOvel writing for the following 3 Months.
Do you feel SPRing Airs around? it's really warming especially when JOGGing tonight. Get so Sweaty on my foreHead, neck, arms, waist and belly. No energy to swim so enjoy HOt SPRing for relax after JOG. Feel sleepy now but my clothes is washing . GOd, recently sleepless and the result shows on my black EYEs.
Hopefully, it's near WEEKend, and can get UP late for GOod Sleep.

The photo took in Signoria Square in Florence, Italy during the business trip last year. At that time, don't have much time for sightseeing and catch the historical data. BUt, Amazing feeling to see many statues in the square. If you travel around Florence, don't miss Signoria Square! Look the tour info about Piazza della Signoria on web and posted below.
Italy Milan
- Piazza della Signoria (Signoria Square) -
Built around the end of the thirteenth century as a symmetrical contrast to the city's religious centre, Piazza della Signoria was enlarged through demolitions of the tower-houses of the Uberti, Foraboschi and other powerful Ghibelline families.
Right from Medieval times, Piazza della Signoria has always been the civic centre of Florentine life. Although some original buildings (the Loggia dei Pisani and the Church of St. Cecilia) and the ancient brick paving, which gave it greater unity of style, have now disappeared, it remains in all its aspects a square of incomparable beauty and elegance. Dominated by the fourteenth century Palazzo della Signoria with its high crenellated tower, it is surrounded by other important buildings: the Loggia della Signoria and the Palazzo degli Uffizi on the south side, the sixteenth century Palazzo degli Uguccioni on the north side and the Palazzo del Tribunale di Mercanzia (about 1359) on the east side.
The Palazzo delle Assicurazioni Generali on the west side of the square, a could imitation of Renaissance style, was built by Land in 1871. The square, where public tournaments and feasts took place between 1400 and 1500, was transformed almost into an open-air museum in the sixteenth century by the addition of several statues.
JUst BOok la ~~"
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