Meet Old friends at Saturday afternoon and feel so HAppy. Glad to hear their GOod News: one couple is gonna marry on Mar. 30 with a 5-months fetus, and the other will marry next month. Another couple come with their 13-months baby. Haha ^^ so happy to PLay their Baby. It's really GReat that we still contact with each other. They are my old colleagues before overseas study. Still keep memory of BBQ at REd River Valley in WuLAi and the PARTY to celebrate my departure for study in Brisbane. LOVe, LOve, LOve them so MUch. Do you hear ... haha ^^
The plan on Sunday is FuBa Acient Path Climb with Sonja, her cousin and his friends. Wow ~~" think it hard to complete. BUt, I really do it all ~ 17K return path (FuShan section) from FuShan to KuaiShan station. It's just half distance of FuBa Acient Path. The other half path (BaLeng section) connects to BaLeng tribe in FuXin town, TaoYuan. I didn't bring digicam, but Sonja does, so will post photos on the other day. During the climbing it's sunny and breezing around fresh air, gross & tree breath. The smell is so GOod and FRee!! WHat I wanna say is THx GOd, I LOve TAiwan. The photo below revises from Tony's Nature Travel Diary.
JUst BOok la ~~"