SUnny day ^^ let's count down for New Year's Coming ... WHat dreams you have for next year? that's the question I ask myself every year! BUt, it remains "BLank" in my MInd this time coz I don't know "WHat" I really wanna for the following LIves.
A couple days ago, I found that some white hairs grow on my brother's head, and then again on my colleagues. Well, I don't think they're old enough to have those white hairs, but TIme says that YOu can'T escape from Nature BUring. Haha ~~" I asked my cousin "do you find those white hairs on me?" The answer is "NO"!! then he said "idiot Lives without white hairs!" OMG ... that's the same reason for no THInking for Dreams!
X'mas! coming one week later. It's so haPPy that we'll have gIft exchange at Xmas, thanks for Veronica who is our new comer and invites all to join this WishGame. Haha, no wonder it's really a Game for me! Hay ~~" I'm troublesome again for what to prepare for the GIft?! Any ideas for it??
Across 2009, I think it a nightmare to go On & ON coz "NO LEave" from 29th DEc to 4th Jan, all for GLobal Meeting & Marketing training courses!! Anyway, I'll check HOw to celebrate the new year's COming and where to GO?! AnyOne want to JOin? or GOt a plan, SMS me!
JUst BOok la ~~"
    創作者 布小小 ^^ 的頭像
    布小小 ^^

    布小小 ~~"

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